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  • Garbage trucks x

Buy Used Garbage trucks

A garbage truck is a special truck designed to transport waste, garbage and recycling materials. Garbage trucks usually have a large loading area and a hydraulic lift that can lift waste containers and empty them into the loading area. The waste is usually disposed of in a landfill or incinerator. There are several types of refuse trucks, including front loaders, rear loaders, and side loaders. Front loader garbage trucks have a system of forks on the front of the truck that lift the dumpster and empty it into the loading area. Rear loader garbage trucks have a lift at the rear of the truck that lifts and empties the dumpster. Side-loading garbage trucks have a system that lifts and empties the dumpster on the side of the truck. Garbage trucks are an essential part of waste management and provide efficient and safe disposal of waste products in cities and towns.

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