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  • Cold- and hot forging rolls x

Buy Used Cold- and hot forging rolls

Cold and hot forging rolling machines are special machine tools used in metal processing to shape metal into a specific form by passing it between two rolls or rolling mills. In this process, the material is processed by deformation and compaction. Cold rolling machines are operated at room temperature, while hot forging rolling machines operate at high temperatures. The rolls are usually made of hardened steel to ensure a long service life. Rolling machines can be operated manually or automatically and can be equipped with various rolling tools and fixtures to produce a variety of shapes and sizes. Cold rolling machines are typically used to produce thin sheets, wires or strips, while hot forging rolling machines are more commonly used in the production of larger parts such as shafts, tubes or axles. By using forging rolling machines, production processes can be automated, resulting in higher efficiency and accuracy. Forging rolling machines are used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, power generation and many others.

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