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  • Cold Flow Forming Presses x

Buy Used Cold Flow Forming Presses

Cold flow forming (also known as cold forming or cold solid forming) is a metal forming process in which a blank of metal is formed into a desired shape at room temperature without the use of heat. In contrast, other forming processes such as forging or hot forming use higher temperatures to soften the material and make it more malleable. Cold flow forming can be performed by various methods, such as spinning, bending, drawing or rolling. In this process, the blank is pressed into a die or drawn through a roller under high pressure to achieve the desired shape. The final shape is determined by the shape of the die or roller. This process is commonly used in the manufacture of precision parts where high dimensional accuracy and a smooth surface are required, such as automotive components, medical devices, electronic components and tools. Cold flow forming offers advantages such as high formability, good surface quality and material utilization, low cost and high production rate.

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