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Milling Technology
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Precision tools & clamping technologyCategory
Cutting toolsType of Machine
End millersManufacturer
EMUGE-Werk Richard Glimpel GmbH & Co. KGTechnical data
The diversity of our milling programme with a wide range of tool types and cutting materials , along with the high standard and uncompromising precision of our milling programme meets the highest quality requirements and is suitable for almost all workpiece materials. We produce end mills and bore cutters from HSS and carbide (solid carbide) in standard design, but also high-precision special milling tools, in particular form milling cutters and profile milling cutters. PCD end mills, CBN end mills and milling tools with indexable inserts are also available from us. A comprehensive system of tool holders and chucks for milling tools rounds off the stock program.
We specialize inmilling technology and our development of future-oriented milling strategies offers our customers completely new possibilities in machining. We design the specific geometries that will bring you closer to your goal using sophisticated tool simulations. We will be more than happy to advise you in your applications and our development department is committed to supporting you during the implementation of modern milling strategies on your machines.State
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