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  • Laboratory & Bench Top Ovens x

Buy Used Laboratory & Bench Top Ovens

Laboratory and bench top furnaces are special furnaces used in scientific laboratories or in manufacturing. These furnaces are often smaller in size and have more precise temperature control than large industrial furnaces. Laboratory ovens are typically designed for applications where precise temperatures are needed. They can be used for drying, sterilizing, incinerating, or heat treating samples. These furnaces often have digital controls to allow accurate temperature setting and monitoring. Temperature ranges can vary widely depending on the application and need. Bench top ovens are commonly used in manufacturing and are often built into a workbench or table. They can be used to cure adhesives, harden plastics or heat treat metal parts. Bench-top ovens are usually compact and easy to use, with digital controls for setting temperature and operating time. Overall, laboratory and bench top furnaces are important tools for precision manufacturing and research in many industries, including chemistry, materials science and biology.

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