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  • Granite plates x

Buy Used Granite plates

Granite slabs are large slabs of granite, a natural rock known for its hardness, durability and aesthetics. Granite slabs are used in the construction industry as flooring, stair treads, countertops, window sills and other architectural applications. Granite slabs are available in a variety of colors and patterns and can last a long time due to their hardness and resistance to scratches, heat and chemicals. They are also very low maintenance and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth or mild detergent. In the manufacturing industry, granite slabs are also used as precision bases for measuring and testing equipment, as they provide a stable and flat surface that is impervious to temperature changes and vibration. These slabs are also known as granite slabs for quality assurance and are widely used in the metrology, optics, electronics and aerospace industries. Granite slabs are often quarried in large blocks and then cut into slabs, ground and polished. They tend to be more expensive than other types of stone slabs, but their durability, beauty and precision make them a valuable investment in many applications.

KREUZER Measuring Plate / Laboratory Plate
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KREUZER Measuring Plate / Laboratory Plate
Measuring and test engineering
Manufacturer: KREUZER
Type of Machine:
State: Used
Alfred Feldmann Werkzeugmaschinen
Michelstadt Germany

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