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  • Gravity Die Casting Machines x

Buy Used Gravity Die Casting Machines

Permanent mold casting machines and chilled casting machines are types of casting machines used in the production of metal castings. A permanent mold casting machine is a casting machine that uses a mold to pour the liquid metal into the desired shape. An ingot mold is a closed mold consisting of two halves into which the liquid metal is injected. Once the metal has cooled and solidified, the mold is opened and the finished part is removed. Permanent mold casting machines are often used for mass production of parts because they are fast, efficient, and provide high accuracy and repeatability. Chilled casting machines are special casting machines used for casting chilled castings. Chilled cast iron is a particularly hard and wear-resistant cast iron made by adding alloying elements such as chromium and molybdenum. Chilled casting machines are usually vertical and are used to cast large, heavy parts such as rollers, gears and pump housings. The molds in a chilled casting machine are usually made of sand or ceramic and can weigh several tons. Casting chilled iron requires special skills and knowledge to ensure that the material flows smoothly and that air pockets do not form.

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Die casting machines