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  • Bevel Gear Lappers x

Buy Used Bevel Gear Lappers

Bevel gear lapping machines are a special type of bevel gear machining equipment used for lapping bevel gears. These machines work on the principle of lapping, using a rotating lapping tool to remove material from the surface of the bevel gear. Bevel gear lapping machines are typically used to produce high-precision bevel gears that are used in a variety of industrial applications, such as the automotive industry, the agricultural machinery industry and the textile industry. These machines are usually equipped with CNC control, which enables precise transfer of machining data to the lapping tool. In addition, they can be equipped with various features and functionalities, such as high repeatability, ease of operation, and the ability to use different lapping tools. Bevel gear lapping machines usually have a high production capacity and are very efficient, which allows them to process a large number of bevel gears in a short time.

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