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portal milling machine
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2380 € Fixed price
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Woodworking machinesCategory
Milling machinesManufacturer
Everyone has to start small! Now for everybody which search the ideal entrance into the world of CNC potal milling we have developed the BZT PFL-3 series.
- Ballscrews spindels in all axes
- Stepping motors 4 amps 3N
- T-slot plate 15 mm including
- Concealed, Protected guides
- Forehead and end plate are made of steel
Technical data:
Clamping X | Y 250 | 530 mm
Travel X | Y | Z 260 | 380 | 100 mm
Overall dimensions 620 x 640 x 520 mm
Drive: stepper motors 4 Amp 3 N.
Speed up to 5,000 mm / min.
Ballscrews X | Y = 16 x 10 mm, Z = 16 x 5 mm
Linear Guide ways X | Y = 25 mm, Z = 15 mm
Aluminum T-slot plate 15 mm (included)
Milling spindle can be used up to 1 kW (not included)
Front / end plate: Steel
X / Z-axis: aluminum
Configuring your portal milling machine online:
Machine accessories
Aluminum T-slot plate 15 mmState
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