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  • Touch probe x

Buy Used Touch probe

A probe is a tool used in the manufacturing industry to make precise measurements of workpieces. It is an electronic measuring device used on a CNC machining center or coordinate measuring machine (CMM). A probe is usually used as part of a measuring system that consists of the actual probe, a control unit and software that records and evaluates the measurements. The probe consists of a probe that contacts the workpiece and a sensor that measures the movement of the probe in three axes. Length gauges can have different shapes and sizes to perform different types of measurements. For example, there are probes designed to measure outside diameters, inside holes, flat surfaces and threads. Using probes allows manufacturers to make more precise and repeatable measurements, improving the quality and accuracy of their products.

Auswuchtmaschinen. Balancing Machines.
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Auswuchtmaschinen. Balancing Machines.
Measuring and test engineering
Manufacturer: FJH
Type of Machine:
Manufacture Year: 2021
State: Used
Firma Janicki Werkzeug- und Holzmaschinen Service CNC
Berlin Germany

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