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  • Optical Profile Grinding/Lapping Machines x

Buy Used Optical Profile Grinding/Lapping Machines

An optical profile grinder is a high-precision grinding machine used to produce precision components that require accurate shape and surface finish. These machines use an optical projection device that projects the profile of the workpiece onto a grinding wheel to enable precise transfer of the desired shape to the workpiece. Optical profile grinders can grind a variety of materials, including metals, ceramics and plastics, and are capable of machining complex geometric shapes with high precision. They are also capable of achieving high surface quality and low noise, making them ideal for applications such as optics manufacturing, microelectronics components and precision mechanics. Some of the key features of optical profile grinders include computerized control to ensure high accuracy and repeatability, a variety of grinding wheels and tools to handle different grinding tasks, and rugged construction for long life and reliability.

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