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Wrapping grouper machine
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Piera, Barcelona, Spain
Reference number AFG-007X
Manufacture Year 2007
Operation Hours not applicable
Main Category
Packaging machinesCategory
Packing machinesManufacturer
Edos DidemDescription
Overlap wrapping grouper, with flat cardboard dispenser and shrink tunnel.
Package types for cans or bottles
1-. 330cc; 6 x 4 single film (30 pack / min)
2-. 330cc; 6 x 4 loose can w / flat cardboard (30 pack / min)
3-. 500cc; 6 x 4 c / flat cardboard (30 pack / min)
4-. 1500cc; 3 x 2 single film (30 pack / min)
It has input conveyor belt, input guides, alignment system, divider, bar transport, wheel transport, wrapping system, output conveyor, polyethylene storage system, polyethylene counter system, coil holders, positioning system cardboard, control panel, manual coil joining system and heat shrink oven (180º-210º)
380V III + earth
Installed power: 65Kw
Average consumption: 50Kw
Compressed air 5Kg / cm²- consumption 12lts / packState
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