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  • Perforating Presses x

Buy Used Perforating Presses

Cutting presses are machine tools used for cutting materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic, leather, rubber and other soft materials. They are usually equipped with a punching tool that is inserted into the material to cut it. There are different types of cutting presses, including flatbed cutting presses, rotary cutting presses, circular cutters, rotary cutters and swing cutters. Flatbed cutting presses are the most commonly used cutting presses. They have a fixed punch and die and are ideal for cutting flat materials such as paper and cardboard. Rotary cutting presses use a rotating punch to cut the material. They are especially good for cutting thicker materials such as rubber and leather. Circular cutters are special cutting presses used for cutting circles or other curved shapes. Rotary cutters use a rotating blade to cut the material and are especially good for cutting long, straight lines. Swing cutters are cutting presses that use a movable punch that swings back and forth to cut the material. They are especially good for cutting materials in small quantities and in prototyping. Cutting presses are used in various industries, including packaging, leather, textiles, automotive, and many others.

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