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  • Open Gap Bench Presses x

Buy Used Open Gap Bench Presses

Single column tabletop presses are a special type of single column presses mounted on a table. They are commonly used in workshops, manufacturing plants and laboratories to press, form or machine materials. Single-column tabletop presses are typically small and compact, making them ideal for applications where space is limited. Most single-column tabletop presses have a hydraulic drive that presses the moving platen onto the material. They usually have a simple design and are easy to operate. Most single column tabletop presses have a manual control panel where you can control the pressure and speed. Single column tabletop presses have some advantages over other types of presses. For example, they are easy to operate and require little maintenance. They are typically less expensive than larger presses and can be used for a variety of applications. Because they are mounted on a table, they can be moved easily, making them ideal for shops or manufacturing facilities where they must be moved frequently. Single column tabletop presses are also available in a variety of sizes and capacities, allowing you to select the right size and capacity for your specific needs.

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Metal working machines
Manufacturer: BORRIES
Type of Machine:
Open Gap Bench Presses
Manufacture Year: 1990
State: Used
EMUK GmbH Werkzeugmaschinen
Malsch Germany

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Hydraulic Presses