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  • Vernier height gauge x

Buy Used Vernier height gauge

A height gauge is a measuring tool used in the manufacturing industry to measure the height of workpieces or components. It consists of a vertical column mounted on a stable base and a dial gauge or measuring system that can be moved along the column. Height gauges can come in a variety of sizes and styles, depending on the requirements of the application. Some have an analog dial indicator, while others have a digital display. Some height finders also have an adjustable dial indicator to take measurements at different angles. To measure the height of a workpiece, the height gauge is positioned at a convenient location and the dial indicator or measuring system is carefully moved along the column to measure the height. The measurement can then be read and noted on the display. Height gauges are very useful in the manufacturing industry to ensure that components and workpieces are within tolerances and meet requirements. They are also helpful in aligning machines and tools and in checking the accuracy of other measuring devices.

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