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  • Welding, TIG / MIG x

Buy Used Welding, TIG / MIG

Gas welding machines are tools used to perform the gas welding process. The gas welding process uses a flame of a combustible gas mixture to fuse and join metals. Most gas welders use acetylene as the fuel and oxygen as the oxidizer to create a high temperature flame that is used to melt the metal. The flame is produced by a torch connected to a gas cylinder. The flame can be controlled by adjusting the gas supply and oxygen ratio. There are different types of gas welding machines that can be selected depending on the application and welding conditions. For example, there are portable gas welding machines that can be held by hand and used for on-the-spot repairs. There are also larger gas welding machines that are suitable for industrial applications and offer greater power and capacity. Gas welding machines can be used for a variety of applications, including fabricating metal structures, repairing metal parts, fabricating metal pipes and repairing auto bodies. They are also suitable for joining metals with different thicknesses and different properties.

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